"The truth is I didn't know who Mark Twight really was before I met him. I had zero knowledge about climbers or climbing, I came from a flat Island in the UK far away from his world.
So my experience on meeting him was without expectation, he didn't have anything to live up to and I wasn't looking for "the man behind the words". Our meeting happened at a time when I'd grown a little weary of the "fitness Industry". It had become a shallow pool of monetisation and shameless self promotion. Everyone was interested in what they could spin and sell to a population that had lost their way and didn't know any better.
But here was a guy without a business model or agenda. A man that had literally trained because his life counted on it. When you are looking for something pure and genuine in a world of fake and this guy walks in... You take notice.
So I listened, I learned, I fascinated myself with Gym Jones... The culture, the rawness, the return to something more basic, more fundamental. Closer to discovery than display. It was a journey that would change my world. Not just my training but my future. Salt Lake became my spiritual home because that's where I was growing more than I had grown in years.
Today I continue to grow in his company. Working with him, feeding off him, giving back to him and helping to carry a torch that was lit in those years passed.
So thank you Mark for re-igniting me, helping me, believing in me and laying down the wonderful path which I have walked so joyfully and continue to walk onward to the bright future."
- Pieter Vodden